XCD 135cc DTS-SI comes with the engine 10.5bhp and a gear box from 5 speeds. The automatic reel, shock absorbers full of gas of Nitrox, numerical tachometer, electric-begin, face the disc-brake and the lamps of tail of LED are the devices usable in the new XCD 135cc DTS-SI.
The engine 135cc of XCD DTS-SI pumps 10.2PS outside power of peak with 7500rpm and a stall torque of 11.58Nm with 5000rpm. Also XCD 135cc DTS-SI comes with a longer footing from 1275mm.XCD 135cc DTS-SI will be available in five colors.
Automatic Ltd of Bajaj launched all new motor bike of commuter of sports, the XCD 135 DTS-SI of Bajaj. However meant for the regular use this bicycle will be sportsman in his execution and its naming. Inspired of pulsar SDR-I of Bajaj, it resembles and led to a Pulsar-Junior.
With aimed at the customers in the segment of value seeking a sporting alternative, it will have many devices of first-in-class of the lamps like an engine of 135cc DTS-SI, a reducer of transmission 5 speeds, the automatic reel, the shock absorbers of Nitrox filled by gas, the numerical tachometer and of LED tail. Other significant devices include electric-begin and face the disc-brake.
With its engine 10.6PS, to name sporting, long device-list and a price roughly of Rs. the ex-room of exposure 45.000 it will be a very irresistible alternative to all the execution of less and the motor bikes 100cc conservativement called in the segment of value.
Speaking about launching, S.Sridhar, two-wheeled vehicle of President, known as automatic of Bajaj this bicycle is the first of our three launchings in the segment of value. We have already a very strong position in the entry and the segment of the best quality of the market of motor bike, and now we will as well have an extremely strong line in the segment of value.
The XCD 135 DTS-SI of Bajaj will be manufactured in Waluj. There are 5 colors and options of transfer available whose consumer can choose.
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