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Sunday, July 12, 2009


yamaha mio are not have the utmost for the modification. yamaha mio why many model modification, because the yamaha mio who like many, many of them want to change the shape of the yamaha mio. in this case the term is a modification of the form of yamaha mio itself. modifications in 2009 to provide modifikasi-motorr.blogspot.com yamaha mio that our new update. there are 3 images yamaha mio modifications which we will show as an example the trend in modifications motor mio this year 2009. and you only see the modification as the following example:MODIFIKASI MIO TERBARU 2009
yamaha mio with air brush fearMODIFIKASI MIO TERBARU 2009yamaha mio modifikasi sporty to bike

YAMAHA MIO MODIFmodifikasi mio in sound bass woofer

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